Dela nyhet
Extra places in Orsa now on Thursday
10 dec 2024 0 kommentarer
Due to illness and other things at least 4 people are not able to travel. This means that their places are paid for and can offer their places to someone who might want to travel.
2 in one cabin with a course spot as well. The price can be discussed. The people have paid 850 per space and 2150 for the course. If you are interested reach out to me or Jan Ekström as soon as possible. We can help arrange a seat in two cars if required.
There are a few other spaces, but there the travel is a problem as one is a person who was taking their car.
We can even think of a lower price, but this was more to offer an opportunity.
At the moment Orsa has 6.5 prepared trails and there is also Multibanan that is quite long, but it is not open, though people are skiing it. So this is very good so early in the season.
I know this is short notice, but we want to try and fill spots and reduce the costs to people who have become ill, as we will not be able to refund everything.
For non Ericsson people it is 1150 kr.
Dominic and Jan