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Orsa Grönklitt trip 12-15 December 2024 a few spaces left!
12 jul 2024 0 kommentarer

76 spaces are almost filled. We have a few people who have notified that they will not be able to participate . If you are interested in taking over their spot, contact me as soon as possible, Dominic.
Update 23/10 this is our largest group so far and this is fantastic. Currently 12 people have registered for the Tynell coaching, and the feedback from the coaching has been very good. If you are interested, you can still book a slot. There is interest for Skate/free technique as well, so please indicate if you would like classic or skate coaching.
Orsa have delayed the season premier and this is good. Let's hope the temperature drops there soon.
Kind regards
Dominic McAleenan and Jan Ekström