- Reklam eller annan form av SPAM är förbjuden.
- Följ svensk lag och använd ett vårdat språk.
- Trakasserier och personangrepp är strängt förbjudet.
- Vid misstanke om brott kommer anmälan att göras.
26 jan 2019
Sorry guys, not coming tomorrow, haven't recoverd from my cold yet.
Hi, I will have to change my answer for the game tonight due to flu. //Osama
Tomas Csomor
8 jan 2019
Hi Guys, Sorry for the late rejection, but since yesterday I have a diarrhea, haven't at anything and I would be the happiest that I could recovery for tomorrow, but I guess it will be not happen :( Sorry, but I have to cancel the tomorrows football. Tomas
Thanks Vasileios for letting us know! That is a good example of how we should act if we have to cancel last minute. Otherwise, if one just cancels without writing here, there is no notification sent to the organizers and there is a risk of ending up with fewer people than needed for a proper session. Guys, please keep this mind. Cheers!
Vasilis G.
5 jan 2019
Unfortunately a last minute problem with my back doesn't allow me to join the game tomorrow. I can't cancel because the response time has passed. I am sorry for that, now you are 11 without me so I hope I will not ruin your game.