- Reklam eller annan form av SPAM är förbjuden.
- Följ svensk lag och använd ett vårdat språk.
- Trakasserier och personangrepp är strängt förbjudet.
- Vid misstanke om brott kommer anmälan att göras.
Robert E
19 mar 2019
I also join for lunch.
Robert E
19 mar 2019
I also join for lunch.
Houssam K.
19 mar 2019
Hi Dawan, It depends on the weather. We usually start playing outside during April. However if it's still too cold, then I'll book more indoor sessions.
Hi! For those of you who are working at Ericsson: some of us will go for a lunch together this Thursday 11:30am at Factory. We are meeting near the entrance that is close to cafe LM&Co. Join us if you are around!
Hi! For those of you who are working at Ericsson: some of us will go for a lunch together this Thursday 11:30am at Factory. We are meeting near the entrance that is close to cafe LM&Co. Join us if you are around!
Max G.
19 mar 2019
Hi all! For those of you that work at Ericsson: some of us are going for a lunch together this Thursday 11:30am at Factory. Join us if you are around!
Chamran A.
19 mar 2019
Just an update: I am injured, again, this time knee. It's not very serious, so I am hoping to be able to join by the end April.